Good landscape design creates spaces of resonance and beauty that are a wonder to experience.
Using the full palette available to designers — land form, hardscape, structure, plant materials,
light, scent, etc. — we create spaces that are individually suited to each situation and each element, whether new or existing, is carefully considered for its contribution to the mood and effect of the whole.
And between these spaces, we carefully design transitions and relationships to create a sense of flow
and movement, with the juxtaposition of different types of spaces creating mystery and
excitement. Careful attention to the details creates layers of interest so there is a continual
unfolding and revelation as one explores. The result is a garden that is greater than the sum of its parts!
Comprehensive in scope, a master plan addresses your property as a cohesive whole — issues such as functionality, cohesion, sense of place, and flow as well as temporal experience, metaphor and allusion. Technical issues such as drainage are also addressed. A master plan can be phased in over time. The final product reflects the scale and complexity of the project.
Documents such as a plant list and bloom calendar accompany the plan drawing.

For clients who need to address smaller areas or specific problems, we offer targeted design such
as backyards, front yards, side yards, or integrating a new feature such as a patio, fire pit nook, water feature, stairs, bench, a new planting bed, or artwork.
Creating good design always starts with you. By taking the time to get to know everybody
involved through meetings and talks we are able to custom tailor each project.
We begin with a meeting to define the scope of the work and clarify your needs, goals and
preferences. Then we gather relevant information about the site through a comprehensive site
survey. This survey includes as many physical and functional characteristics as practical as well
as more subjective elements like the “feel” of the space.
The real design work now begins with the integration of your desires with the possibilities
latent in the site. This is a process of investigation and discovery, an exploration of ideas,
followed by the choosing and refinement of the best ideas. Layering in complexity and additional
interweaving and connections adds richness to the design.
Our attention to detail and in depth knowledge of plants and materials insures that the installation of your design will be a success. We do some work ourselves and also work with skilled contractors, plant growers and other professionals. We source quality, healthy plants and use only organic fertilizers and soil amendments to get your garden off to the right start.

By having us do a complete design and build you can be sure that the intent developed during the design process will be fully expressed in the finished landscape. Because the inital establishment of a new planting is so critical, we provide detailed watering instructions to our clients and are happy to answer any questions they may have about ongoing care for their new plantings. Of course Geographia can take care of your new plantings if you would prefer!
I am available for consultations for clients who have specific questions about plants, need
maintenance tips, or would like help brainstorming some ideas. Consultations are billed on an
hourly basis.
New Homeowner Orientations
Have you just bought a home and are wondering what's in your yard and how to care for it?
Often new homeowners have questions about their properties. We do a walkthrough of the whole
property with you, which includes:
• identifying and describing the habit of your plants, shrubs and trees
• recommendations for caring for them
• identifying the opportunities and constraints of the site
• an overview of the soil and light conditions.
Even clients who have owned their home for awhile find that this can be a valuable service!